sc-npm-packages - @sxa/cli 10.3.0

> npm install @sxa/cli@10.3.0

For using Autosynchronizer, you need to complete next steps:

  1. Open PathToInstance/Website/App_Config/Include/z.Feature.Overrides (in previous version of Sitecore it can be PathToInstance/Website/App_Config/Include/Feature) folder and remove .disabled from z.SPE.Sync.Enabler.Gulp.config.disabled file;

command alias options description
sxa init sxa i - Download all necessary files for compatibility with Creative Exchange Live Mode. This process will not replace existing files only download the missing ones.
sxa new [themeName] sxa n --url <url> - Url to the instance where the theme should be created. You don't have to specify the URL if you want to create the theme in the currently registered Sitecore instance. Creates a theme both locally and within your Sitecore instance. Use this command to create a new theme for your site.
sxa register <url> sxa reg - Specifies the default Sitecore instance for the "init" and "new" commands for your working environment. Only one instance can be registered as the default at a time.
sxa get-url sxa g - Returns the current default Sitecore instance URL for the "init" and "new" commands.
sxa config [themeName] sxa c - Sets up a theme configuration variable by answering a list of questions. Use this command to change the theme configuration.
sxa build [taskName] sxa b -d, --debug - provides additional debugging information Builds theme assets based on the current theme configuration
sxa upload [taskName] sxa u 1. -d, --debug provides additional debugging information;
2. -l, --login <login> - Login for uploading;
3. -p, --password <password> - Password for uploading
Upload theme assets based on the theme configuration
sxa watch [taskName] sxa w 1. -d, --debug - provides additional debugging information;
2. -l, --login <login> - Login for watching;
3. -p, --password <password> - Password for watching
Watches for theme asset changes on the drive and uploads any modified files automatically. Can be configured with "sxa config" command
sxa rebuild [taskName] sxa r 1. -d, --debug - provides additional debugging information;
2. -l, --login <login> - Login for watching;
3. -p, --password <password> - Password for watching
rebuild and upload theme assets

List of build tasks:

Global tasks

  1. build All - compiles sass, minifies css and js;


  1. build Sass - compiles sass into css from root of sass folder;
  2. build SassStyles - compiles files from sass/styles/common , sass/styles/content-alignment , sass/styles/layout to styles/styles.css;


  1. build Css - bundles and minifies files in styles folder;

For JavaScript:

  1. build Eslint - run eslint for all JavaScript in the Scripts folder;
  2. build Js - bundles and minifies JavaScript files in the Scripts folder;

For SASS and CSS

  1. build Styles - compiles sass components into css, bundles and minfies css files;

For Sprite

  1. build SpriteFlag - to create sprite for flags;

List of upload tasks:

Global tasks:

  1. upload All - uploading JavaScript, CSS, and images to the Sitecore instance;


  1. upload Css - uploading CSS files from styles folder based on the theme configuration.

For JavaScript:

  1. upload Js - uploading JavaScript files from Scripts folder based on the theme configuration

For SASS and CSS

  1. upload Img - upload files from images to the Sitecore instance;

For Fonts

  1. upload Fonts - upload files from Fonts folder to the Sitecore instance;

For Gulp config

  1. upload GulpConfig - uploading config folder and gulpfilejs

List of rebuild tasks:

Global tasks:

  1. rebuild All - compiles sass components into css, minifies js and css, uploads js, css, images;
  2. rebuild Main - compiles sass components into css, minifies js and css, uploads js, css;

List of watch tasks:

Global tasks:

  1. sxa watch All - aggregates the functionality of the following tasks:
    watch Sass
    watch JS
    watch Es
    watch Css
    watch Img
    watch SassSource
    watch Scriban
    watch Html

For Sass:

  1. watch Sass - run a list of tasks:
    watch SassComponents
    watch SassBase
    watch SassStyles
    watch SassDependency
  2. watch SassStyles - monitors changes under sass/styles/common , sass/styles/content-alignment , sass/styles/layout folders, compiles all of them to styles/styles.css;
  3. watch SassBase - monitors changes under sass/abstracts/, sass/base/ , sass/components folders and compiles components and styles;
  4. watch SassComponents - monitors changes in component stylesunder sass folder and compiles them to styles folder;
  5. watch SassDependency - monitors changes under sass/styles (except for sass/styles/common , sass/stylescontent-alignment , sass/styles/layout) and compilesappropriate components;
  6. watch SassSource - monitors changed under sass/* folderand uploads changed file to the Sitecore instance;


  1. watch Css - monitors changes of css files under styles folder and uploads them to the Sitecore instance;

For JavaScript:

  1. watch Js - watch on changes of js files under Scripts folder and upload them to the Sitecore instance;
  2. watch Es - watch on changes of js files under sources folder and upload them to the Sitecore instance;

For Images

  1. watch Img - monitors changes under images folder and uploads the files to the Sitecore instance;

Creative Exchange specific tasks


  1. watch Html - monitors changes of HTML files and uploads them to the Sitecore instance to be parsed by Creative Exchange;

For Scriban

  1. watch Scriban - monitors changes of Scriban files and uploads them to the Sitecore instance;


Project URL




SXA, Creative Exchange Live, Sitecore Experience Accelerator, Gulp, Theme, CLI, dist-tag:latest


65628 total downloads
25094 downloads for version 10.3.0
Download (9.9 KB)


@sxa/celt@^10.3.0, @sxa/theme@^10.3.0, arg@^5.0.1, async@^3.2.3, chalk@^4.1.2, commander@^9.2.0, esm@^3.2.25, execa@^5.1.1, fs-extra@^10.1.0, gulp@^4.0.2, gulp-cli@^2.3.0, inquirer@^8.2.2, listr@^0.14.3, ncp@^2.0.0, request@^2.88.2, rimraf@^3.0.2, shelljs@^0.8.5, spdx-license-list@^6.5.0, util@^0.12.1

Package history

Version Size Last updated Downloads Mirrored?
10.3.0 9.9 KB Tue, 07 Feb 2023 09:29:04 GMT 25094
10.2.3 9.92 KB Tue, 07 Feb 2023 09:19:13 GMT 225
10.2.2 9.95 KB Thu, 18 Nov 2021 09:39:46 GMT 19303
10.2.1 9.95 KB Tue, 09 Nov 2021 15:07:07 GMT 883
10.2.0 10.12 KB Fri, 05 Nov 2021 15:36:22 GMT 176
10.1.0 10.1 KB Thu, 25 Feb 2021 13:11:56 GMT 9412
10.0.0 10.09 KB Tue, 04 Aug 2020 13:51:02 GMT 8019
1.0.1 6.79 KB Thu, 28 Nov 2019 14:52:12 GMT 2516